How we take decisions

How we take decisions

Global Justice Now is a democratic organisation, with members having the ultimate say over what we do.

Every three years, members elect a council, which has oversight of the staff and direction of the organisation. They feed into and approve strategies and ensure the organisation is run effectively and in line with our values. The council includes a chair, national secretary and treasurer as well as ordinary members, all of whom work entirely on a voluntary basis. Election to council is open to members.

Once every year we also hold an annual general meeting, open to all Global Justice Now members. This is the organisation’s ultimate decision-making body. The meeting is held in different cities around the UK each year in order to make it as accessible as possible to all members.

Finally our group members and activists also get the chance to feed in directly into decisions about what we campaign on. There is also an area representatives’ forum, made up of an activist from each UK region, which acts as another link between staff and activists. Three members of this forum also sit on our council.

Our director, who runs Global Justice Now day-to-day, is responsible to the council and our annual general meeting, and works within a framework agreed by them.